The Argentine Association of Buiatrics extenda an invitation to participate in a cycle of Free Workshops named “From the Sleeve to the Desk”, which seek to provide an integrated approach to cases developed by private rural veterinarians. The workshop organizers ask that veterinary professionals share cases for discussion by a table of “experts” on the subject. The first workshop will address tuberculosis sanitation in a dairy farm. It will be developed by Vet Buiatrics Specialist. Nicolás Perez who will be assisted by Dr. Ana Canal (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UNL – Ministry of Production), M.V. Federico Ferrer (SENASA), Dra. Amelia Bernardelli (OIE Reference in Tuberculosis) and Dr. Sergio Garbaccio (Institute of Pathobiology – INTA). This initial workshop will be held on September 2 at 7:00 p.m. and registration can be accomplished by sending an email to, whereupon you will receive a link to a form to register. Participation and dissemination among associations and colleagues is appreciated.
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