• All Buiatrics or Veterinary associations who have a bona fide structure within their country or region have an opportunity to become affiliated members of the WAB.
  • Membership of the WAB will be via membership of national buiatrics associations. All national buiatrics associations accepted by the General Assembly of the WAB will be deemed to be affiliated members of the WAB.
  • National buiatrics associations who have been accepted as affiliated members of the WAB at the time these statutes are adopted shall be deemed affiliated members of the WAB.
  • Where no national buiatrics association exists, veterinarians or scientists working with cattle may apply for observer membership. Applications must be made to the Secretary General and will be decided by the Executive Committee. Affiliated national buiatrics associations will appoint one to three representatives or correspondents whose responsibility will be to liaise with the WAB Secretary General, reporting on their national activities and relevant events and to be the national contacts for the Secretary General.
  • Each member association will have one vote at the General Assembly that is held at the biennial congress. The spokesperson for the affiliated member organisation should be one of the contact people registered with the secretary general or another person nominated by the respective organisation and recognised by the executive committee.
  • The National Associations for Buiatrics should keep the WAB Secretary informed about the activities and other relevant events in their associations in order to enable the WAB Secretariat to maintain an up-to-date flow of information to all WAB members.


Any Buiatrics or Veterinary Association wishing to join the WAB should submit their applications to the Secretary General of the WAB.

Such applications will be considered for eligibility for membership by the Executive Committee and the General Assembly of the WAB held at the time of the biennial buiatrics congress. Decisions will be by majority vote.

In the case of the votes being equal the President will have a casting vote.

The membership of national buiatrics associations must be predominantly veterinarians.


  1. Each national buiatrics association through its representative of the WAB has voting rights and its representative may be elected to any of the functions or offices
  2. Members of the national buiatrics associations may participate in all programmes organized by the WAB and shall have access to all publications issued by the WAB
  3. Every member of the WAB is liable to:
    – abide by the rules specified in the statutes of the WAB and the decrees passed by the General Assembly and the Executive Committee
    – support with his or her voluntary work the activity of the WAB in order to attain its objectives