This years’ Gustav Rosenberger Award will be presented during the European Bovine Congress (EBC) in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands on 12 September 2019. Applications for this award are now open!
The GRMF award consists of a visit to EBC 2019 and a € 10.000,- grant to be used for an educative period of at least 3 months at a well-known university or institute. The educative period ought to be intended to increase the candidates knowledge on bovine veterinary medicine by following courses or doing research.
Specifically, the grant will be provided to young and promising veterinarians who:
- further develop bovine medicine in general;
- come from a country where bovine medicine needs further development, and intend to apply the knowledge obtained in that country;
- work in a specific discipline within bovine medicine that needs further development.
Candidates for the GRMF grant are veterinarians, working in bovine medicine, and have been graduated no longer than 10 years at the moment they receive the grant. Candidates will send an application form ultimately May 31st 2019 as is presented on the website of the GRMF:
The Gustav Rosenberger Memorial Fund is a tribute to Dr Gustav Rosenberger, the founding father of the World Association for Buiatrics. The objective of the fund is to “further improve bovine medicine at an international level and to stimulate bovine research in its broadest sense’. During the years many young scientists from South America, Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa have been awarded with grants to be used for educational and research purposes. The current sponsor of the GRMF is MSD Animal Health.