New Buiatric Textbook

We would like to call your attention on the recently published textbook: BOVINE PRENATAL, PERINATAL, AND NEONATAL MEDICINE is a comprehensive modern textbook providing the latest fundamental and practical information on the perinatal period in the cow and her calf/calves, with an emphasis on the dairy cow-calf dyad. It is a ‘pracademic’ book – using…

AUSTRALIA and CANADA: The Future of Youngstock Management – August 12-13, 2020 (online)

The University of Sydney (Australia) and the University of British Columbia (Canada) have put together an online symposium featuring leaders and early career scientists in the field of youngstock management. The goal is to exchange ideas and engage in interdisciplinary discussion about the future of calf care (including dairy, beef and dual-purpose animals). There will be several…

Boehringer Ingelheim BVDzero Scholarship 2022 in collaboration with WAB

Boehringer Ingelheim grants a BVDzero scholarship of 1,000 euros to each selected 10 students worldwide. The company aims to increase bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) awareness among veterinary students. This initiative is implemented in collaboration with the World Association for Buiatrics. Through the BVDzero Scholarship Programme, Boehringer Ingelheim aims to create awareness of BVD in veterinary…